heeee. i'm gonna get one of them up there. hmmm. i'm more attracted to the yamaha one. But some say pearl is better. I don't know which is better. both of them are quite really good huh. haha! yeah, so my mind is at both now. :D
Their price are like almost the same, around 3500++.
But still finding those who sells in a cheaper price.
i think black looks nice on the drum, i'm aiming to buy black drum.
hmm, or should i consider some other colours? cause they might not have stock for black drum. My mom is like yeahyeah really into it to buy one for me. For my dad is like half yes half no. I'm really into drums, haha. love it. i cant wait to get one of them. WHEEE!!
maybe i will still have to wait till next year. :(
okay, my hands are freaking cold now.
till here then. (: